Dear Members and Friends and Family of Members:
Please view the Amesbury City Council Department Budget Hearing on Wednesday September 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm. Select event link below for details regarding meeting. The City Council will decide to adopt Mayor Gove's level funded Amesbury Public School FY 20-21 budget or the Amesbury Public School Committee's FY 20-21 budget. The difference between the proposals is the Mayor's budget will result in significant reductions in staff and programming. It will injure the livelihoods of our members as well as reduce valuable programming such as physical education, health, technology, library programs and more. The Amesbury School committee's budget addresses the economic needs of this pandemic to deliver instruction as well as protect these valuable programs listed and other essential education services from reduction. AFT Amesbury urges the City Council to vote to adopt the Amesbury School Committee FY20-21 budget proposal. Please act in solidarity to protect our members' jobs and our students valuable programming.
Next step is submit comments for public record for the September 22, 2020 at 7:00 pm Amesbury City Council Public Budget Hearing. Email comments to be read into the record to for the September 22nd meeting.